The service men and women of this nation tirelessly serve to protect us and our freedom on a daily basis, whether this service is at home or abroad. One of the ways we thank them is by providing them with a final resting place for them and their spouses at no cost to them. Yesterday, […]
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Korean War monument dedicated
After World War II, there was a fear about the spread of communism around the world, and when North Korea invaded South Korea, the United States, along with the United Nations, aided in the defense of the South during the Korean War. Unfortunately, the war itself is considered by many to be the “forgotten war,” […]
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Veterans memorial completed at Brookdale Cemetery
Honoring our veterans and their sacrifices is different for everyone. Sometimes it’s a simple thank you while standing in line behind a veteran at the grocery store while other times it’s a full blown parade on Veterans or Memorial Day. Cemeteries honor their veterans by placing small American flags at the headstones of the veterans […]
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Database created to honor fallen service members
On this Memorial Day, we remember those brave men and women who laid down their lives for our country so that we may enjoy the freedoms we hold so dear today. Among the simple acts of remembrance of these servicemen and women is placing an American flag at their gravesite. The Kiwanis Club of Edinburg, […]
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Pentagon to Investigate WWII Mystery
A new investigation from the Pentagon is set to launch as officials try to solve the mystery of the USS Turner. Dozens of the Turner’s crew were listed as missing after the World War II naval ship sank off the shores of Sandy Hook, NJ on January 3rd, 1944 but WWII researcher, Ted Darcy, found […]
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