By Evan Noorani. ESCONDIDO, Calif. — The first flameless cremation facility for humans in the state of California is now open in San Diego County. White Rose Aqua Cremation in Escondido offers a completely water based, eco-friendly end of life. It combines water and an alkali solution to accelerate the decomposition process – saving 90 […]
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Get Ready for Winter!
By Melissa Petruzzi. As autumn gives way to winter, most cemeteries are accustomed to experiencing a bit of a lull in business. For those located in more northern areas, winter preparations must be made. (We’re talking to you, Canadian partners!) With so many things included in winter preparations, it’s overwhelming trying to figure out how […]
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Wreaths Across America Begins Annual Journey to Arlington National Cemetery
By Emily Molina. Wreaths Across America (WAA) commences its yearly journey to place wreaths upon every eligible marker at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington D.C. Dec. 11. The annual procession, initiated by Maine businessman Morrill Worcester almost 30 years ago, has become a holiday tradition. WAA’s mission is to “remember, honor, and teach” about the […]
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3,000 wreaths, destined for veterans’ headstones in Ottawa, stolen
By Peter Szperling. OTTAWA — Thousands of handmade wreaths, meant for a ceremony to honour fallen servicemen and servicewomen at Beechwood Cemetery in Ottawa, have been stolen. 6,024 wreaths were to be placed on veterans’ headstones this upcoming Sunday. Approximately 3,000 were taken from a rural area just outside of Maxville, Ont. this past weekend. […]
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Conserving Jewish cemeteries, one stone at a time
By Kevin Riordan. On an otherwise quiet morning at Har Nebo, the venerable Jewish cemetery in Northeast Philadelphia, the clinking of Joe Ferrannini’s hammer and chisel was the sound of history being made to last. Ferrannini has been meticulously reassembling, resetting and cleaning the broken, sunken, fallen or discolored stones on 32 graves at Har […]
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E-Commerce and Families: A Perfect Fit
By Patti Martin Bartsche. Even before COVID-19 upended our daily routines, there was little question that everything we do has increasingly been moving online. From the way we network to the way we get our news, online is the place to be – and shopping is no exception. Consider for a moment these facts: • […]
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Cemetery Management Software: The Future of Cemetery Technology
By Scott McAfee. Imagine the process of your day: waking up to an alarm on your smartphone, working at a computer at your desk, watching Netflix at night, etc. If you’re like most people, you use technology all day, every day, in one form or another. Technological advancements are practically inescapable, and they are constantly […]
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Spring into Warm Weather and Fresh Ideas
By Melissa Petruzzi. Spring has arrived, and with it comes warm, sunny weather and a fresh, new outlook as restrictions are slowly being lifted and we’re getting back to our regular lifestyles. With the weather improving we’re all spending more time outdoors, and there’s no better time to stop by your local cemetery to visit […]
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Cremation: A Brief History
By Melissa Petruzzi. The topic of cremation as a form of disposition yields a number of different responses. Many people still tend to think of an in-ground burial as the only burial method, but there are other types of burials. Cremation is currently the most popular form of disposition in America, and it has been […]
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Pioneer cemeteries say ‘enough’ to vandalism, hope to install cameras
By Kevin Harden. Volunteers who maintain two historic cemeteries in Newberg have had it with vandalism at the properties. They’re seeking more than $9,000 in a state grant to install security cameras they hope will reduce incidents. Newberg’s Fernwood Pioneer Cemetery Association applied for the state funds in early May as part of a $14,800 […]
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