By Scott McAfee. Like any other industry, death care evolves and experiences shifts in how things are done over time. One of the last significant shifts occurred in the early 19th century when disease and overcrowding made it unsafe to continue churchyard burials. Since then, traditional cemetery burials have been the norm and there have […]
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California Jews, enough with your green, grassy cemeteries
By Rob Eshman. Jewish law has a lot to say about what’s supposed to happen when you die: your lifeless body must be washed and buried quickly, with a simple headstone to mark your grave. But nowhere, in 4,000 years of Jewish law, custom or tradition does it say you need to rest eternally under […]
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Get Ready for Winter!
By Melissa Petruzzi. As autumn gives way to winter, most cemeteries are accustomed to experiencing a bit of a lull in business. For those located in more northern areas, winter preparations must be made. (We’re talking to you, Canadian partners!) With so many things included in winter preparations, it’s overwhelming trying to figure out how […]
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