Security today is both a major concern and an overused, ambiguous buzzword …and by buzzword I really mean “selling point”. Ah yes, even we here at use it to promote our own products and services. So let us take a moment and assess this need for cemetery software to be secure and then after […]
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How Cemeteries can Save Money with a Website
Every organization is concerned about cost savings, cemeteries are no different. We’ve talked previously about how building a website can generate revenue by automating your sales process, but today I want to explain how investing in your website can be one of the smarter ways to save your cemetery money year-over-year. Owning a website enables organizations […]
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How to Market your Cemetery’s Website
One of the biggest mistakes I’ve watched small businesses make is spending several thousand dollars on a beautiful website and then never putting forth the effort to tell anyone about it. I’m not sure what it is about websites that makes people think that they are magic money-making trees. Websites are just a tool to […]
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How Cemeteries Can Generate New Revenue with a Website
If you own or help manage a cemetery, chances are you are aware of the concerns around the industry of possible year-over-year profits declining. Perhaps it is due to an increase in cremations, but no matter the reason I would contend that cemeteries do not need to fear cremation or any other uncontrollable threat. Rather, they need […]
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