By Scott McAfee. Any responsible business owner must constantly consider the security of his or her business, compensating for any gaps, learning new threats, and creating measures to protect against those threats. While it may not be pleasant to think of things that could threaten your cemetery, it is a necessary part of running the […]
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Digitizing & Automating Your Cemetery Office
By Scott McAfee, Chief Operating Officer, CemSites. Left behind in the technology era? There are more than 100,000 cemeteries in the U.S. Each proudly serving their communities with kind, gentle, and compassionate death care services. Unfortunately, most are still using centuries-old techniques to record and manage records. Critical and historical data is still being managed […]
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Is Cloud Computing Really Better For Business? Survey Says…
By Anna Kucirkova. Cloud computing is an increasingly popular term, just as using the cloud for storage, applications, and business servers is an increasingly popular practice. Businesses of all sizes are implementing cloud technology to reduce sunk costs, overhead, and physical space dedicated to computing. But the term is still widely misunderstood and the use […]
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American Cemetery & Cremation Magazine’s Technology Touch Points, featuring Scott McAfee
The June 2017 issue of American Cemetery & Cremation Magazine is out and features a wealth of knowledge for those in the cemetery & cremation industry. A new feature in this month’s issue is the “Technology Touch Point”, where cemetery & cremation professionals can ask questions of industry leaders in the field of cemetery software. Scott […]
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Cloud Computing, Simply Explained
Every factory and business used power created by a basement generator until Edison Power Company developed a way to distribute large-scale power in 1900. Thanks to Edison, businesses could then simply plug into the wall to access power that was much cleaner and more reliable than what they could produce on their own. In-house power generation no […]
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Still Using Access, Excel for Cemetery Records?
Microsoft Access (first released in 1992) was revolutionary software through the 90’s and early 2000’s. Armed with an “Access for Dummies” guide and little bit of desire, cemeteries were able to build customized databases! This made managing precious and ever-growing grave and owner information much easier. It also meant we could finally search for grave […]
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Why Cemetery Software Should be in the Cloud
Still hand writing cemetery records? Using Microsoft Excel or Access? Or some desktop based software package? If you are using any of those methods you are losing hours of time each any every day. Cloud software has been on the scene now for nearly 20 years it’s time for your cemetery to make up for […]
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Is Your Cemetery Software Secure?
Security today is both a major concern and an overused, ambiguous buzzword …and by buzzword I really mean “selling point”. Ah yes, even we here at use it to promote our own products and services. So let us take a moment and assess this need for cemetery software to be secure and then after […]
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